5 of The Biggest Benefits Your Child Gets Out of Preschool and Early Education
While preschool is not compulsory in Australia, there are a number of early learning government initiatives in place to encourage parents to enrol their children in preschool (also known as kindergarten). The Labor party have even pledged the largest investment in early childhood education in Australian History – an additional $1.75 billion.
Empathy and Why We Need To Teach It To Our Children
Empathy involves the ability to understand someone else’s perspective and understand how they feel about it. Empathy is essential in interpersonal relations, has been linked to moral behaviour and in general, humans are kinder when they can understand one another’s perspectives and emotions. Positive strengths in this skill have also been linked to emotional intelligence.
Enjoy 24/7 Parenting Advice with ParentTV
ParentTV is a one-stop online platform for parenting advice and information provided by parenting experts and professionals. It describes itself as the ‘Netflix’ for parenting resources, providing a subscription-based online library of videos and resources for parents and educators. We’ve recently partnered with ParentTV to become a ‘ParentTV centre’, giving the parents of our children and our staff full access to this goldmine of parenting knowledge.
Reading to Your Baby Every Day is Good for Them, Research Shows
Many people think that reading to babies and toddlers isn’t practical or productive because they don’t fully understand what you’re saying. But recent research has shown that reading aloud to them provides a slew of benefits that make daily parent-child readings a powerful tool for their growth and development.
Are You Protecting Your Child Too Much? How to Avoid Being an Overprotective Parent
As a parent, it’s natural to be protective of your child. That’s what you do as a parent – keep your child safe and prevent them from getting hurt as much as possible, especially when they’re young. But like any other thing in life, too much of a good thing can be bad.
Great News for ECEC Providers in QLD: Benefits from the 2019/2020 Queensland State Government Budget
The Queensland State Government recently published its 2019/2020 budget, and it offers a host of benefits for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) providers in Queensland.
The Newest Parenting Skill – Self-Compassion
The work of parenting involves caring for and meeting the needs of another human being 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And like all demanding professions, burnout is a hazard of the job.